The 3D printing technology used to make props for movies played a part in the huge success of Chinese sci-fi blockbuster The Wandering Earth 2, during the recent Spring Festival holiday.

导演郭帆提到:“具体到电影创作上,中国电影在很多方面都实现了突破。比如,得益于强大的制造业,尤其是3D打印和数控机床的应用,我们制作的特殊道具精度达到产品级水准,营造了逼真的画面质感……”“Chinese films have achieved breakthroughs in many aspects. For example, thanks to powerful manufacturing — especially the application of 3D printing and numerically controlled machine tools — our special props have reached the product level in precision,” said Guo Fan, the film’s director.
电影中,不少道具均出自3D打印,其中演员所穿戴的宇航服以及深受观众喜爱的MOSS(即550W)等特殊道具,实则来自东莞的一家公司——东莞市科恒手板模型有限公司(简称“科恒”)。A number of 3D printed props, including the space suits and super quantum computer MOSS, in the film were produced by Fohan 3D Printing Co in Dongguan, Guangdong province. The company also supplied props previously for The Wandering Earth 1 and Moon Man.

从原理上看,3D打印是一种快速成型技术,又称增材制造,能以数字模型文件为基础,运用粉末状金属或塑料等可粘合材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体。科恒项目负责人田顺介绍,道具设计图纸确认后,通过3D打印仅需3—5天即可完成制作。若按照传统工艺,开模就得耗时近35天。Thanks to 3D printing, it takes just three to five days to make a prop that would otherwise require about 35 days for completiot, said Tian Shun, a project manager for the company.
即便如此,时间仍要比想象中紧迫。这一个半月不仅是打印制作的时间,还包括了各类道具方案设计、沟通调整的时间,为了赶工,田顺和项目组熬了不少通宵,与设计方一起边优化设计、边调整、边制作,最终才按期完成任务。However, The Wandering Earth 2 presented challenging tasks because the company received the order only a month and a half before the delivery deadline, with adjustments of the designs involved. The company allocated 240 printers.

项目组头天晚上七八点接到通知后立马开始加班,第二天上午打印完成并进行后处理工作,下午一点左右即通过航班寄往青岛拍摄现场。The 3D printing technology helped accomplish an urgent task after a robotic arm damaged in shooting needed to be replaced with a new one in 24 hours.
科恒3d打印董事长文炳华谈到,传统道具都需要手工制作,如使用泥巴,木头,泡沫、硅胶等材料来造型,最终呈现效果往往表面粗糙、造型简单、细节稀少。而使用3D打印制作几乎没有复杂度的限制,成品适合近距离拍摄,能更完美地还原美术和导演的要求。The technology excels in product details, without limit to complexity, which allows close-up shots, said Wen Binghua, chairman of the company. The 3D printing technology has been progressing to reduce the weight of products and meet the special demands.

近几年来,除了《流浪地球2》,该公司已陆续通过3D打印工艺为《流浪地球》《独行月球》剧组制作道具,在设计、用料、工艺等方面积累了丰富的经验。如宇航员所戴的部分头盔面罩,除了外形上要满足单向可视的要求,保证演员视线不受阻碍;还要求面罩被击碎时能呈现很好的破碎效果,同时碎片不能划伤演员的脸。In the case of the helmets of space men in The Wandering Earth 2, it must not appear transparent, and it must produce a satisfying visual effect when hit and broken into pieces.
科恒是一家致力于提供增减材一体化全产业链服务的国家高新技术企业,集新材料研发生产、产品设计、开发与制作以及行业应用开发于一体。企业深耕增材制造行业20多年,基于客户应用场景建立了定制化产品中的标准化体系,改变了产品制造 的供应方式,将客户由传统模式下的“研发+设计+加工+验证”转变为“一站式标 准化服务体系”,有效缩短客户研发周期,提高效率,通过标准设定、生产管理、供应链管理、平台化运营,以数字经济为驱动,致力于为制造业提供高品质、低成本、 短交期的产品。
科恒目前拥有800余台工业级大型3D打印设备及高端CNC设备,涵盖多种打印 工艺,每年交付客户产品件数多达上千万件。企业长期活跃于航天航空、精准医疗、 运动装备、工业制造、3C电子、汽车制造、模具制造、文化创意等多个领域。科恒 以“智造更简单”为使命,创建覆盖全球的增材制造云服务平台,为终端客户提供 专业的“设计与制造”一站式优质解决方案。